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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Week 37 Frank Teller, Uncoupling Protein decreased disruption ETC, Immune Tolerance resuling in Apoptosis, Epithelial Cells leads to Dry, Scaly Skin, Thyroid Gland shows decreased levels of T3, antibodies including Anti-Tg, Thyroid Gland shows decreased levels of T4, Frank Teller Presents with Bradycardia, Primary Hypothyroidism shows decreased levels of T3, Anti-TPO indicative of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, T3 decreasing transcription of Uncoupling Protein, Thyrotropes leads to Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, IgGs in serum are indicative of Hypothyroidism, Low Free T4 Serum Levels are indicative of Hypothyroidism, T3 stimulates Growth/Differentiation, Thyrotropes leads to compensatory increase in TSH, deiodinases located in Peripheral Tissue, Negative Feedback to Thyrotropes, Cold Intolerance are indicative of Hypothyroidism, Frank Teller Presents with Hyporeflexia, Frank Teller Presents with Dry, Scaly Skin